At Puppies' World, which is in action all day long, we invite your children to learn while having fun. In our mini club, where our little guests can get to know different cultures, make new friends, and spend time without the need for their families, we offer board games selected in accordance with their age groups, games that develop intelligence and skills, workshops and much more.
The Puppies' World where you can safely leave your children while you enjoy your vacation, and its professional team will not only entertain the little guests, but will also remain in their memories throughout the year with the adventures they will tell at school, in the course and at home.
Mini Disco
Kids Club for 4 - 7 Years
Jokers Club for 8 – 12 Years
Teen Club for 13-16 Years
Babysitter (subject to a fee)
Stroller (subject to a fee)
Sports Activities, Pool Games,
Competitions, Creative Activities